April 30, 2016
Press Release Project Closure
Press Release Final Project
The project Chance and Challenge –Improve social services for victims of human trafficking financed through NGO Fund in Romania, EEA Grants 2009-2014, finished at the end of April 2016. The project was coordinated by Association Pro Refugiu in partnership with Pro Sentret Norway and local Romanian NGOs Association Global Help, Foundation People to People, East European Institute for Reproductive Health. The project benefited from support as associate partners of the organization Betania and General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection from the counties Dambovita, Galati, Bacau, Iasi, Mures, Sibiu, Teleorman.
During the 2 years period multiple activities had been implemented having as final objective to improve the assistance services for victims of human trafficking. The year 2014 was focused on a complex study Romanian –Norwegian regarding the assistance services provided to victims in the two countries, information included in a report launched officially in Romania in November 2014. The year 2015 was focused on training Romanian specialists in Norway (study visit May 2015) and in Romania (training in May 2015) in order to improve the way of delivering counselling and assistance for victims. Also a training manual was elaborated and disseminated among social workers and psychologists from Romania and Norway. Starting with 2015 until the end of the project, the coordinator and its partners provided social and legal assistance for victims of human trafficking, a total number of 40 Romanian citizens benefiting from specialized services.
In April 2016 a final conference took place in Bucharest with the attendance of 47 Romanian and Norwegian representatives of institutions and NGOs with active role in fight against human trafficking and victims’ assistance. With the occasion of this event the project’s results were presented and discussions took place focused on continuing the national and transnational collaboration among the institutions and non-governmental sectors in order to provide assistance in accordance with victims’ of human trafficking needs.
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